Welcome to www.redxpoetry.wordpress.com! We are on the look out for talented poets to join our family and take part in projects and anthologies alike, we offer pod publishing via www.lulu.com.  For individual works you will retain 100% of royalties earned.  In the case of anthologies, royalties will be divided equally between the contributors.  We aid in cover design and marketing for our group and most importantly although we do not offer an advance to publish we do not charge for our services, so are only interested in talented poets.  Please feel free to submit your poems to us if you are interested in working with us.  We will post the poem to our page so please remember to include your copyright details to the bottom of the poem, if you are unsure how to do this please just get in touch with us…..redxpoetry@hotmail.com

If you are a poetry lover,  you will be able to view new poems on this site from all over the world.  Please leave your comments and let us know what you think as you could aid in the discovery of the next big thing in the world of poetry.  You will also be able to buy our publications via this site as soon as they become available.

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